Tuesday 7 October 2014

The Book Cake Tag

Many thanks to Lauren @ Always Me for tagging me to do this post!  This post includes a question for cake ingredients and you have to choose a corresponding book.  So without further ado...  My book cake!

a book that was a little slow to start with but really picked up as it went along

One that comes to mind is Girl of Nightmares by Kendare Blake.  I ❤︎ Anna Dressed in Blood, so I was surprised when this book started off a lot slower and wasn't as creepy/gory/scary.  But there was a turning point and everything I loved about the first book was suddenly back.

a book that had a really rich and great plot

I love Daughter of Smoke and Bone and this book was no different, except I feel like things started to get a lot more intense and were a lot bigger than just Karou and Akiva.

a book that you thought was going to be bad but actually turned out quite enjoyable

This book was such a surprise and I didn't even realise I was enjoying it until I couldn't put it down (or more truthfully, minimize it during class).  One of my favourite contemporaries for sure.

a sugary sweet book

Angel Cake even has a sweet title, so it's perfect for this question.  Plus the romance is adorable.  If my memories are to be trusted.

a book that covered every single element that you enjoy in a book
(eg. funny moments, action moments, sad moments etc.)

I could have picked any of The Mortal Instruments books or The Infernal Devices books because for me, they have everything that I like in a book.  They're funny, have some great characters, sad moments and action moments.

a book series that you can turn back to for a little pick me up when you're feeling down

This is definitely one of my guilty pleasure reads.  I only read it for enjoyment and the nostalgia because it reminds me of easier times, when I first read it.  And yeah, my first option was Harry Potter.

The Cherry On Top
your favourite book this year so far

It's a tie between Shadow and Bone and Daughter of Smoke and Bone.  The difference is that I am yet to read the sequels to Shadow and Bone and to be honest I'm kind of scared to because of the negative feelings I've been getting about the next books in the trilogy.  But the real reason I'm putting it off is because I want to reread Shadow and Bone because I loved it that much and I'm waiting to have sufficiently forgotten the details.

So that was the Book Cake tag!  Thanks again to Lauren for tagging me!  As per usual, I am unsure of who to tag, so I am tagging anyone who wants to do this - make sure you link me to your post in the comments!  I would love to hear your responses.


  1. Cool! Excellent choice for icing - I was seriously considering the same! I really, really need to read Anna Dressed In Blood and Shadow and Bone! :)

    1. Really? Awesome :D Yes! I think they're both amazing.

  2. Fantastic post! I seriously need to start Shadow and Bone.. I'll definitely consider doing this tag, it seems like a lot of fun (:

    1. Thanks! I love Shadow and Bone, so I hope you do enjoy it when you get to it! :) Awesome - I didn't tag anyone because I feel like I'm going to annoy someone! It was a fun tag!

  3. This is probably one of my favorite tags because it's about cake, and I just love~~~ cake :) And those answers are great :) I love most of the books you mentioned :)

    The Reading Izzy

    1. Hahah cake is the best :P
      I'm glad you liked my answers!

  4. This tag is so cute.. I love it! I totally agree with your icing choice. I must be living under a rock, because I still have yet to read Shadow and Bone. I've heard so many good things, but it's still buried in the depths of my TBR pile. Your post definitely made me want to read it, like, right now!
    Morrighan @ http://ufbooks.blogspot.com

    1. Right? I'm glad you agree! Well you only need to see the other comments to know you're not the only one who hasn't read Shadow and Bone! I really recommend it. I know what you mean about the TBR pile though. I hope you get to it soon! :)


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