Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Opposite Book Tag

Today, as you can tell, I'm going to do the Opposite Book Tag.  Thanks Lauren @ Always Me for tagging me!

First Book In Your Collection / Last Book You Bought

I have had books throughout my entire life and I really couldn't tell you which is the first book that I ended up owning.  However, the book I Saw It In the Sea is a book my parents say that I used to love as a child.  Apparently, I went around asking family members to read it for me so often that they still remember all the words (I still remember all the words) and my Nana got sick of it.  The last book purchase I made was the Hush, Hush box set.  I've already read these books, and I own another copy of Finale.  When I saw the box set on sale, I couldn't not get it.

A Cheap Book / An Expensive Book

The cheapest book I have bought is a tie between Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo and Angelfall by Susan Ee, because I can't remember their exact prices, but they were both under $10.  The most expensive book I've bought is Infinite by Jodi Meadows which was $18 or $19, being a hardcover - still pretty cheap considering!

A Book With a Male Protagonist / A Book With a Female Protagonist

For this, I'm going with my last two reads: Messenger by Lois Lowry and Crown of Midnight by Sarah J. Maas.  Both of which I loved, by the way.

A Book You Read Fast / A Book That Took You Long To Read

I read Dangerous Girls by Abigail Haas in a day, which is the fastest I've read a book of that kind of length (almost 400 pages).  For a book that took a long time for me to read, I'm going to pick Cloudstreet by Tim Winton.  I had to read this book for school this year and I found it really boring.  But, I never have to think about it again after today - because I had my final english exam!  Yay!

A Pretty Cover / An Ugly Cover

Dreams of Gods and Monsters by Laini Taylor is a really beautiful book inside and out in my opinion.  And if you have never seen this version in person, you won't understand completely, because it is shiny in all the right places to match the design and it's just gorgeous, I promise.  For my ugly cover, I have picked Onyx by Jennifer L. Armentrout.  I have a passionate hate for all the Lux covers, but there's just something about Onyx that makes it the worst.  How anyone could read this in public is beyond me.

A National Book / An International Book

I haven't yet read Every Breath by Ellie Marney, but it's set in Melbourne, which is in Australia, which is where I live.  As for an international book, I could pick almost any... I'm going to go with We Were Liars by E. Lockhart.  Because reasons.

A Thin Book / A Thick Book

For a thin book, I've picked Where Things Come Back by John Corey Whaley, because it is relatively short and I liked it too.  For a thick book, I picked The Diviners by Libba Bray because I loved it.

A Fiction Book / A Non-Fiction Book

I picked Seraphina by Rachel Hartman, because it's a favourite and fantasy is as fiction-y as it gets.  I chose The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones, The Official Illustrated Movie Companion as non-fiction, because I don't really read non-fiction, but I read and own this!

A (Way Too) Romantic Book / An Action Book

Another shout out to the Lux series.  I picked Opposition because though it wasn't extremely romantic overall, there were so many moments where I just wanted the alien plot to move on, rather than the relationship plot [(which was well into the honeymoon stage in more ways than one)].  I picked Prodigy by Marie Lu for an action book because there is stuff going on all the time in this book.

A Book That Made You Happy / A Book That Made You Sad

Fang Girl by Helen Keeble had me laughing throughout and A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness made me incredibly sad throughout, so they get these spots.

That's the post!  Thanks again to Lauren for tagging me!

This tag has definitely been around for a while so, I'm going to tag anyone who hasn't done this and has "book" in their url :)


  1. Anyone with the word "book" in their url? Does this mean I'm tagged? It looks like a fun one to do, so I'll try =)
    I haven't read many of the books you've mentioned but yes, I agree! the covers for the lux series are ugly and the cover change was not an improvement in my opinion lol
    I also liked Where Things Come Back but I might say that book was weird and still today, I have so many question regarding it. The entire Legend trilogy was action-packed and I loved it for that. And I want to read Seraphina and A Monster Calls so badly!

    1. Yes it certainly does, as long as you want to do it :) I look forward to your answers!
      Haha I totally agree with you about the cover change - I don't think they should have bothered.
      It definitely was a weird book, I liked how everything kind of tied together (it's been a while since I read it).
      A Monster Calls won't take you long to read - it only took me an afternoon - and it's good for Halloween!

  2. Great list! I'm definitely adding some of these to my too read list, especially Every Breath, Fang Girl, Seraphina, and Dangerous Girls. :)

    1. Thanks! Oooooh I hope you enjoy those :) I don't think enough people have read Seraphina.

  3. Well hey, looks like I'm tagged! I kind of still haven't gotten around to the awards you nominated me for earlier.. ooops... (don't get me wrong, I really appreciate every tag and nomination and will get to them eventually)

    Completely agreed on the Lux covers. I can't stand any of them (the originals or the blue bind-up ones). They're just so cheesy *cringes* Onyx is probably the worst for several reasons: unspeakably weird pose, Katy's face looks very fake, Daemon's eyes are unnatural (and not in a good way), he looks like he's sweating, and the wrinkles on his tank top just make it worse.

    Is A Monster Calls scary? I've been recommended a few times but have always steered clear because I don't have the best stomach for horror.
    And yay for Prodigy, the entire Legend trilogy is just action-packed perfection. I seriously cannot wait to start The Young Elites by Marie Lu~

    1. Yeah you are! :) It's fine that you haven't gotten around to them - I understand how hard it can be to find time. Don't feel pressured!

      Haha! Yes, those reasons are perfect! The sweating and the tank top are what really get me :')

      I don't think it's scary. Some of the images are a little creepy, but a cool kind of creepy and not gory at all. I think you'd be fine reading it. It's a fantastic story.
      Yes I love the Legend books. I'm aching for The Young Elites too! But my library hasn't got it yet and I don't have money right now to buy it, since I'm saving up for going away D;

    2. oops, I take that back: I've just checked again and the library has got The Young Elites! Put it on hold and I am 4th in the queue.

  4. I agree with you on the Lux covers, although I truly did enjoy the series in general. JLA can write about anything and make it wonderful, as well as Julie Kagawa! Awesome choices, and I still have yet to do this tag. As soon as school settles down a bit, I might have to get around to doing this tag!
    Morrighan @ Elysian Fields
    ( )

    1. Same - I really liked the series as a whole, it's just the covers :P I haven't read much else by JLA yet - just Half Blood, which I didn't really love. I'm hoping to read Don't Look Back soon though, and maybe her gargoyle (is it gargoyles?) series. I have to read more by Julie Kagawa too!
      Thanks! I hope that you do get to it eventually - it was a lot of fun!

  5. Oh yeah! The Lux covers...*cracks up* The first time I saw them I was like, nope, I am sooo not reading these books! But one of my old GR friends insisted that it was amazing so eventually I tried it.....and prompting devoured the first three books (which were the only ones published at the time) in about a day each ;) From then on I've been a total JLA fan <3 Oh, and her new series The Dark Elements is great as well :P Love triangle tho.....a really tough love triangle....I love Zayne and Roth soooo muuuchhh *cries*

    1. Hahah they are terrible :') That's what I thought too, but everyone was loving them, so I had to try! I'm glad you enjoyed them as much as I did. I'll have to check out The Dark Elements soon. Tough love triangles are my fave :P


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